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Pai sigur ca o sa-l primim cu flori de Iris. Totul e sa aflam cand se inocarte si sa speram ca asta se va intampla cat mai curand.Cat despre rautatile de genul celei de mai sus, crede-ma ca parca ma lupt cu morile de vant. De cand s-a aflat de boala lui Cristi am citit mii de comentarii rautacioase. Dar nici unul dintre comentatori nu pare sa conceapa ca Minculescu este contribuabil ca si ei, de peste 30 de ani de cand Iris este singurul sau loc de munca. Operatia aceasta era dreptul lui, a fost mai ieftina ca in Romania, nu a fost vorba de favoruri sau mai stiu eu ce.Iris au cantat pe gratis de foarte multe ori, au sustinut sute de concerte caritabile, s-au implicat in multe campanii. E nedrept cand unii arunca asa cu noroi dar important este ca operatia decurs bine si ca Mincu si Rodica sunt bine:D Asta e cea mai frumoasa veste si toate meschinariile nici nu mai conteaza.
Doar ca americanii vor rvenei din problema asta in no time cum se zice, cei care ar avea mai mult ajutor si mai mult suport si din partea mediei is cei din Cuba. Si da, ca sunt plangaciosi e un motiv in plus sa fi suparat pe americani
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Join Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in this spine-tingling horror adventure inspired by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Hound of the Baskervilles." Lift the veil of mystery and discover the ancient secret of Baskerville Hall and the Devonshire moors!
The dark influence of an old curse still taunts the city of Amsterdam. Puzzling through old city mysteries and searching for clues, might be on the biggest quest you have ever experienced. Explore this beautiful city on this mysterious guided tour!
When a monk hires you to break a curse on a haunted tower, he doesn't tell you the mission will take to the edge of your abilities and beyond. Are you clever enough to outsmart the Tower of Secrets and save everyone you love?
As Detective Carrie Chase begins her investigation of a double homicide, she learns of a shocking personal connection to the deaths of the two men. Help Chase solve the crime in this thrilling hidden object game!
A reclusive count invites an opera troupe to his hamlet to perform. Over the course of the night, people go missing and are killed! Use your hidden object skills to identify the murderer and escape the village unharmed!
The biggest wedding in DinerTown history is on the brink of disaster! Explore the whole town, enlisting the help of your neighbors as you solve puzzles, collect missing items and complete activities that will put everything back in its place.
Guide the brave young Thomas Seawise as he searches the strange world of Harmonia for his missing grandmother. Together, you must reveal the dark heart that is beating at the center of Harmonia and restore balance to the realm!
Help the Burtons clear their house of ill-fated ghosts! Search for hidden objects, solve riddles left behind for the living, assemble custom ghost catchers for each pesky poltergeist and challenge the eccentric specters in unique minigames!
10 Days to Save the World: the Adventures of Diana Salinger
Two years after Diana found a mysterious amulet, the Earth started to experience a series of terrifying disasters. Perform strange rituals, reveal ancient secrets and save the world in this thrilling casual adventure game!
Take the role of Sherlock Holmes as he solves 16 crimes in Victorian England! Features over 40 levels of hidden object and find-the-difference gameplay. Each clue will lead you closer to the culprit!
Take the role of Joan Jade, archeologist of the year and mother extraordinaire, as she searches for hidden objects, solves mind-melting puzzles and beats one ingenious mini-game after another in her quest to save her children!
Using the tools and clues you find along the way, trace the paths of explorers who searched for an ancient civilization. Decipher mysterious messages and uncover the trails of generations of explorers in your quest to find your sister.
Epiphany O’day sneaks on board the mysterious Imperial Majestic, to stop murder and mayhem in its tracks! Travel from Paris to the exotic far east while discovering the terrible secrets of the dragon wheel.
When a devastating earthquake traps David's wife and daughter in a museum, he knows it's up to him to rescue them. Guide David as he combs 100 scenes for hidden objects, solves 30 puzzles and risks life and limb to save his loved ones!
Someone has killed the daughter of two charity fundraisers and the list of suspects is growing. Help with forensics, interrogate suspects and follow the clues you uncover to bring the killer to justice!
Hit the streets of St. Petersburg in 1866 to uncover the motive behind the murder of an old woman, then bring the case to a close using your hidden object and puzzle solving skills. Can you reveal the truth?
Find mystery, magic, and romance in this adventure based on the best-selling novel by Marjorie M. Liu. Play as the psychically-gifted Dela Reese and escape China with Hari, a stunning warrior from 2000 years ago.