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Pai sigur ca o sa-l primim cu flori de Iris. Totul e sa aflam cand se inocarte si sa speram ca asta se va intampla cat mai curand.Cat despre rautatile de genul celei de mai sus, crede-ma ca parca ma lupt cu morile de vant. De cand s-a aflat de boala lui Cristi am citit mii de comentarii rautacioase. Dar nici unul dintre comentatori nu pare sa conceapa ca Minculescu este contribuabil ca si ei, de peste 30 de ani de cand Iris este singurul sau loc de munca. Operatia aceasta era dreptul lui, a fost mai ieftina ca in Romania, nu a fost vorba de favoruri sau mai stiu eu ce.Iris au cantat pe gratis de foarte multe ori, au sustinut sute de concerte caritabile, s-au implicat in multe campanii. E nedrept cand unii arunca asa cu noroi dar important este ca operatia decurs bine si ca Mincu si Rodica sunt bine:D Asta e cea mai frumoasa veste si toate meschinariile nici nu mai conteaza.
Doar ca americanii vor rvenei din problema asta in no time cum se zice, cei care ar avea mai mult ajutor si mai mult suport si din partea mediei is cei din Cuba. Si da, ca sunt plangaciosi e un motiv in plus sa fi suparat pe americani
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Protector puts you in the hot seat of a weapons turret orbiting a far-off planet and asks you to defend mankind against a malicious alien force. Strap in today and prepare for the most intense battle of your life!
Take an exhilarating journey through ancient castles and twisted dungeons, but be wary as you go, for you must carefully time your steps across disappearing bridges, jolts of lightning and other obstacles. If you succeed, your reward will be great!
Featuring as much brick-bashing fun as we could cram into one game, Smash Frenzy 3 is filled with incredible sights and sounds! So take a deep breath and then download the adventure of a lifetime!
Cake Shop bakes up its own special brand of casual gaming fun! Slap together the different layers of tasty cakes for your customers and put a cotton candy smile on the faces of their children in this delightful treat for all ages.
Featuring expanded gameplay and a delightful new central character, Farm Frenzy 3 has arrived! In the arcade business sim, Scarlett travels to Africa, South America and other exotic locations to manage five farms and try her hand at penguin breeding and jewelry making. Her goal is to become the president of the farmers union by earning the votes of the people she helps.
Guide your war train into battle and destroy the enemy who is taking control of your precious land! You have to supply the troops and people with weapons and fuel along the way. Trains and weapons of all sorts will be at your disposal!
Use advanced terraforming technology to revive a barren celestial wilderness! Featuring thrilling time management gameplay and stunning visuals, Terrafarmers is an out-of-this-world casual gaming experience!
Join Scarlett, the feisty star of Farm Frenzy 3, as she puts robots to work on her land. Featuring 90 all-new levels packed with never-before-seen characters, buildings and challenges, Farm Frenzy 3: American Pie promises a bumper crop of fun!
Build the Aztec civilization by mining resources and constructing buildings. Then upgrade your structures to attract more citizens, train soldiers and ward off the attacks of its enemies. Features stunning animation, colorful visuals and simple strategic gameplay!
Set out in search of your place in the sun in Path to Success, a casual life sim with a world of a world of opportunities. It's your life! What are you going to do with it?
Could it be possible for a little white bear to withstand a whole army of evil monsters? For sure, if we're talking about charming and fearless Snowy. Armed to the teeth with the snowballs, he is turning his enemies into large balls of snow and ice figures. But this snowballs throwing champion doesn't want to do any harm, he simply wants to get back home to Arctic and collect as many prizes and bonuses on his way as possible.
Marshal all of your time management skills to restore life to an uncharted island and fend off a parade of pirates! Featuring 80 levels of exciting point-and-click action, Youda Survivor will make you feel like a modern day Robinson Crusoe!
Duty calls in Royal Envoy, a majestic blend of time management gameplay and economic strategy. Featuring brisk gameplay and ever-deepening tactics for success, Royal Envoy is a quality offering that will please casual gamers of all ages!
Smash Frenzy is now includes more bonuses and contains 30 new levels – guaranteed to have you hooked up! Professional 3D graphics, studio-level sound effects, awesome original soundtrack and well-designed gameplay are at your service.
Raise bumper crops and then sell them for a profit! With a click of your mouse, you'll be digging up soil, planting crops, harvesting the fruits of your labor, and processing your goods into the products people want.
You've been selected to be a contestant on the TV game show, "Kitchen Brigade!" Over the next two months, you must successfully open and manage seven different restaurants. Do you have what it takes to win? There's only one way to find out!
Snowy: Lunch Rush is a casual arcade game in which the player helps Snowy win a contest to run the best restaurant in town. The competition takes place over a period of 60 days in Snowy’s hometown. Each day, Snowy must earn enough money to keep his restaurant open, make repairs and upgrade to better locations. He does this by seating customers, taking orders, serving food, collecting money and clearing tables.
Huru Humi™ mania hits the beaches of America! Help Lindsey earn enough money to enter her volleyball team in a school tournament by catering to her friends as they visit the coast.