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Fringe, Sezonul V, Ep. 7

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  • Evaluare: 0.0

Fringe, Sezonul V, Ep. 4

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  • Total comentarii : 0
  • Evaluare: 0.0

Supernatural sez07,ep10

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  • Evaluare: 0.0

Supernatural, Sezonul 8, Ep. 2

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  • Evaluare: 0.0

Supernatural, Sezonul 7, Ep. 16

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  • Evaluare: 0.0
Alte trofee nu cred ca vor mai fi si daca e mi'ar pclaea sa am un trofeu intitulat Branza de aur la cate jocuri am pierdut numai eu stiu,sau putem primi recompense in EXP atunci cand atingem un atumit numar de jocuri jucate,votate,comentate,atunci cand ajungem pe locu 1 in oras,pe global,etc :>

a comentat: Intru dsuetl de rar pe site-urile de stiri gen Si da, ma deranjeaza maxim reclamele, unele din ele neputand fi inchise. O reclama nu trebuie sa-l agaseze pe utilizator, eu pe principiul asta sunt.In general stirile ajung la mine ori pe facebook ori pe twitter. 0 0

Eu va citesc cu plaecre cred ca de prin 2002, ma refer la blogul de pe AG forum, apoi primul roman….si ulterior urmatoarele.Acest blog l-am descoperit recent. Nu am dat click pe carti pentru ca le am deja Toate cele bune!

Pai sigur ca o sa-l primim cu flori de Iris. Totul e sa aflam cand se inocarte si sa speram ca asta se va intampla cat mai curand.Cat despre rautatile de genul celei de mai sus, crede-ma ca parca ma lupt cu morile de vant. De cand s-a aflat de boala lui Cristi am citit mii de comentarii rautacioase. Dar nici unul dintre comentatori nu pare sa conceapa ca Minculescu este contribuabil ca si ei, de peste 30 de ani de cand Iris este singurul sau loc de munca. Operatia aceasta era dreptul lui, a fost mai ieftina ca in Romania, nu a fost vorba de favoruri sau mai stiu eu ce.Iris au cantat pe gratis de foarte multe ori, au sustinut sute de concerte caritabile, s-au implicat in multe campanii. E nedrept cand unii arunca asa cu noroi dar important este ca operatia decurs bine si ca Mincu si Rodica sunt bine:D Asta e cea mai frumoasa veste si toate meschinariile nici nu mai conteaza.

Doar ca americanii vor rvenei din problema asta in no time cum se zice, cei care ar avea mai mult ajutor si mai mult suport si din partea mediei is cei din Cuba. Si da, ca sunt plangaciosi e un motiv in plus sa fi suparat pe americani

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Eu cred ca , in primul rand , v-ati expus un crez pioitlc . Este ceea ce credeti , iar ceea ce credeti are importanta ! Asa necunoscut cum sinteti pentru cititori . Cred ca va mira , de fapt , responsabilitatea pe care v-ati luat-o facandu-va cunoscut crezul pioitlc intr-un moment important . Ar trebui sa va obisnuiti si cu cititorii blogului , nu numai cu cei ai cartilor . Bine , nu va spun eu ce ar trebui sa faceti , e doar o opinie

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Hmm nu stiu ce sa-ti zic, in general ti-as rednamoca sa blochezi reclamele care apar obsesiv. Chestia cu cresterea incasarilor per click nu prea poate fi obtinuta decat in timp, prin content mai bun si un thrust mai mare de la Google. Daca vrei sa imbunatatesti CTR-ul, asta e alta discutie.In general poti folosi un proxy de US, dar pe Adsense nu toate merg, asta pentru a vedea ce reclame serveste Google vizitatorilor tai.Nu mi-am mai batut de mult capul cu adsense deoarece platesc FOARTE prost, dar mai tin minte ca de obicei cand blocam reclame castigam mai putin, chiar daca reclamele respective aveau cpc micceţi place? 0

Nu mai am site-uri in romana, cel putin nu site-uri cat de cat itnromapte. par ok, am incercat si 2Parale dar is chiar de 2 parale. La TradeAds nu pot face o evaluare foarte clara, deoare doar l-am testat, dar la vreo 2-3000 de impresii 2.40 euro e ok, mult mai ok fata de Adsense. Pe extern eu folosesc :Non-Adult: Adbrite Clicksor Propriul meu ad manager :)Adult: AdultFriendFinder (beware, au niste chestii nasoale) BlackLabelAds (de la AdBrite) JuicyAdsceţi place? 0

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Principală » Jocuri online » Action şi Arcade

Jocuri în categorie: 95
Jocuri afişate: 55-72
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  • Farm Frenzy 3: Madagascar

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 306

    Manage five farms around the world and try your hand at penguin breeding and jewelry making in Farm Frenzy 3! Features 95 outrageously fun levels, 30 wacky animals and more upgrades than there are ears in a field of corn!

  • Empire Builder - Ancient Egypt

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 305

    Become Egypt’s greatest architect as you raise this ancient empire from the sands. In Empire Builder: Ancient Egypt, players help pharaohs and Egyptian nobles construct the world’s most famous monuments.

  • Amelie's Café: Halloween

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 304

    Help Amelie cater to guests dressed up as ghosts, goblins and vampires, keep her cooks busy making brain pie and witch's brew, and rack up big money on 50 fast-paced levels!

  • Lisa's Fleet Flight

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 300

    Lisa and Tom can’t stay put, and this time they decided that their new gig would take them flying around the whole world! Help them attend to the needs of iconic airport passengers and their luggage in this frenetic time management game!

  • Hospital Haste

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 300

    Welcome to Hospital Haste, an exciting time management game that puts you in the middle of the action at a treatment center. Guide Sally as she diagnoses patients, delivers their prescriptions and treats them for a variety of illnesses!

  • Jack Of All Tribes

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 297

    Rule a primeval world in Jack of All Tribes! From its seamless blend of time management and building simulation gameplay to its gorgeous graphics and intuitive controls, Jack of All Tribes is a village builders dream come true!

  • Supermarket Mania 2

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 294

    The star of Supermarket Mania is back in an all-new sequel set in Tinseltown, where her Uncle Ross needs help with his troubled grocery stores and Mr. Torg is plotting his revenge!

  • Hotel Dash: Suite Success

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 294

    Flo's helping Quinn get into the hotel business! As Flo, you'll renovate the hotels and keep the guests happy. You'll deliver their luggage, drop off room service and provide guests with anything they need to stay happy!

  • Cooking Academy 2

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 292

    Enter a world of culinary delights with Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine! Prepare 60 different recipes, master all-new mini-games and learn the cuisine of eight different countries!

  • Create a Mall

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 291

    Step into the shoes of an up-and-coming mall designer in Create A Mall! Help Kelly rise to the top of her profession by designing and developing malls in six cities. Hire workers, gather resources, open stores and watch your profits soar!

  • Potion Bar

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 290

    Can you work your magic on the patrons of the Potion Bar? You'll have to be quick on your feet as a variety of customers order an assortment of mystical brews. With a talking cat as your guide, though, you'll soon be the talk of the town!

  • Youda Survivor 2

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 290

    Help a tribe defeat its enemies! Features over 100 levels, two game modes, two playable characters, and new Battle and Siege levels! Begin the epic journey of survival today!

  • Crusaders Of Space

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 290

    After an unexpected attack by the aliens, a long and exhausting war has followed. The Earth defenders have virtually no resources and manpower to continue the resistance. There is only one chance left. This chance is you. You are to fly a small single-pilot spacecraft directly inside the alien command center and destroy their Main Brain. After you do this, the aliens will become disorderly and fearful. This is the only way to save planet Earth.

  • Crusaders Of Space: Open Range

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 289

    Just when you thought the alien invasion was successfully fought off once and for all, new waves of alien scum come in numbers far greater then 5 years ago. The government is alarmed.

  • Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 289

    Chill out with an all-new Farm Frenzy adventure! While whipping up chilly treats in 90 levels of frosty fun, you'll breed and care for penguins and other arctic animals and enjoy a parade of visual gags!

  • Skies of War

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 287

    The sky is the limit ... but what about the Skies of War? Its been 28 years since the Iron War, and the enemy is still claiming your land and cities ...

  • Sky Taxi 2: Storm 2012

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 286

    Save the world in Sky Taxi 2: Storm 2012, a side-scroller with 275 levels of running, jumping and bouncing off the heads of enemies. Features simple controls, colorful graphics, and tons of secrets!

  • Azgard Defence

    Categorie: Action şi Arcade

    Data: 2012-11-25

    Vizualizat: 284

    Azgard Defence is a unique strategy game in which you're challenged to build a line of towers to protect your home from invading creatures. With addictive gameplay and great visuals, it's one of the best "tower defense" games around!


Total online: 16
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er>Oaspete, suntem bucuroşi să va vedem. Vă rugăm să vă înregistraţi sau să vă autoindentificaţi!

Filme 2012

Why Stop Now

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  • Evaluare: 0.0


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  • Evaluare: 0.0

The Perks of Being a Wallflower 2012

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  • Total comentarii : 0
  • Evaluare: 0.0

Not Suitable for Children

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  • Total comentarii : 0
  • Evaluare: 0.0


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  • Evaluare: 0.0
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Bloguri, Bloggeri si Cititori