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Eu va citesc cu plaecre cred ca de prin 2002, ma refer la blogul de pe AG forum, apoi primul roman….si ulterior urmatoarele.Acest blog l-am descoperit recent. Nu am dat click pe carti pentru ca le am deja Toate cele bune!
Pai sigur ca o sa-l primim cu flori de Iris. Totul e sa aflam cand se inocarte si sa speram ca asta se va intampla cat mai curand.Cat despre rautatile de genul celei de mai sus, crede-ma ca parca ma lupt cu morile de vant. De cand s-a aflat de boala lui Cristi am citit mii de comentarii rautacioase. Dar nici unul dintre comentatori nu pare sa conceapa ca Minculescu este contribuabil ca si ei, de peste 30 de ani de cand Iris este singurul sau loc de munca. Operatia aceasta era dreptul lui, a fost mai ieftina ca in Romania, nu a fost vorba de favoruri sau mai stiu eu ce.Iris au cantat pe gratis de foarte multe ori, au sustinut sute de concerte caritabile, s-au implicat in multe campanii. E nedrept cand unii arunca asa cu noroi dar important este ca operatia decurs bine si ca Mincu si Rodica sunt bine:D Asta e cea mai frumoasa veste si toate meschinariile nici nu mai conteaza.
Doar ca americanii vor rvenei din problema asta in no time cum se zice, cei care ar avea mai mult ajutor si mai mult suport si din partea mediei is cei din Cuba. Si da, ca sunt plangaciosi e un motiv in plus sa fi suparat pe americani
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What happens when you put a time management game and a racing game in a demolition derby arena and set them loose on each other? You get a smashingly fun new game!
Open antique shops around the world and earn enough money to finance an archaeological expedition to Greece! Plan out your trip and purchase the necessities as you earn huge profits in this fun time management game.
Turn a struggling farm into a booming success! With tons of upgrades to earn, plenty of customers to satisfy and easy-to-handle point-and-click fun, Virtual Farmer will have your entire family shoutin' YEE HAW!
Seat clients in different Beauty, Energy and Relaxation stations and attend to their every need! Set in a tropical paradise, this innovative mix of time management and building games offers a hypnotically soothing experience.
Every parent has spent hours waiting for that pink or blue bundle to drop from the skies. Now you can go behind the scenes to give the storks a hand prepping cute and cuddly babies for transport!
Kindergarten is a colorful and fun-filled time management game in which you help Mila, the super sweet owner of a day care center, look after the babies whose mothers drop them off. Are you ready for this baby-driven challenge?
Expand the Roman Empire from a simple hamlet into the glorious expanse of power and dominion for which it is known today in Ancient Rome, a casual city building simulation for the history buff in everyone.
When Scarlett learns astronauts are starving because their corrupt boss made a crooked deal with a no-good contractor, she vows to prove herself worthy of taking over the account and feeding the hard-working space walkers three squares a day!
Create fantastic delights in this thrilling time management game and become CEO of Nice Corp! With the endless supply of sugar and spice, you can help Abby to create Everything Nice!
There's no party like a beach party and there's no game like Beach Party Craze! Cater to the needs of your sun-kissed clients as you manage every aspect of a swanky coastline getaway.
Create a shopper's paradise in Mall-A-Palooza, a casual construction sim that allows you to put all of your favorite stores under a single roof! Features eight locations of shopping bliss, four levels per location and an exciting Sandbox mode!
Saddle up for excitement in the hidden object shootout, Golden Trails: The New Western Rush! Featuring ground-breaking mini-games, an intriguing storyline and classic Western characters, Golden Trails: The New Western Rush is loaded with fun!
Our brave Snowy got into a new scrape... Now he has to save funny Green Pals from space monsters. Monsters are coming from portals and guarding their new territory. Poor Greens are waiting for help! Save them!!!
In Clash 'n Slash, you must defend your planet from wave after wave of aggressive aliens and deadly asteroids. With eye-popping visuals and simple mouse-based gameplay, Clash 'n Slash will entertain you for hours on end!
Bring in the big bucks as you stock shelves and cash out customers in this high-speed time-management game! Keep your customers happy in Tory's Shop 'n' Rush and you'll live to play another day!
Build your own online farm! Dream Farm is a casual sim that allows players to do virtual business with other users around the world. You can actually have fun while improving your business savvy and learning how to become a successful entrepreneur!
Help Lisa win the Show of the Year and the Farmer of the Year awards! Plant and harvest crops, milk cows and shear sheep, and purchase equipment to produce the goods her customers want, all while smiling for the cameras!