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Pai sigur ca o sa-l primim cu flori de Iris. Totul e sa aflam cand se inocarte si sa speram ca asta se va intampla cat mai curand.Cat despre rautatile de genul celei de mai sus, crede-ma ca parca ma lupt cu morile de vant. De cand s-a aflat de boala lui Cristi am citit mii de comentarii rautacioase. Dar nici unul dintre comentatori nu pare sa conceapa ca Minculescu este contribuabil ca si ei, de peste 30 de ani de cand Iris este singurul sau loc de munca. Operatia aceasta era dreptul lui, a fost mai ieftina ca in Romania, nu a fost vorba de favoruri sau mai stiu eu ce.Iris au cantat pe gratis de foarte multe ori, au sustinut sute de concerte caritabile, s-au implicat in multe campanii. E nedrept cand unii arunca asa cu noroi dar important este ca operatia decurs bine si ca Mincu si Rodica sunt bine:D Asta e cea mai frumoasa veste si toate meschinariile nici nu mai conteaza.
Doar ca americanii vor rvenei din problema asta in no time cum se zice, cei care ar avea mai mult ajutor si mai mult suport si din partea mediei is cei din Cuba. Si da, ca sunt plangaciosi e un motiv in plus sa fi suparat pe americani
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Alabama Smith is back in an all-new time-twisting adventure involving powerful relics that could alter the destiny of mankind! Join him as he hunts for the elusive Crystals of Fortune using the Amulet of Time.
Enjoy hidden object fun in the Wild West as you play this first installment of an all new series of casual games set against the backdrop of one of the most extraordinary times and places in history.
Search for clues, solve puzzles, and unlock new areas as you visit spine-chilling locations, play stimulating mini-games and locate hidden objects. Collector's Edition comes with concept art, music, deleted scenes, desktop wallpapers and a shocking prequel chapter!
Guide Christine as she unravels the twisted threads of a sinister plot at a mental institution and uncovers the truth about her past. Solve challenging puzzles and find skillfully hidden objects as you make your way deeper into the conspiracy!
Help Lara clean up classic works of art by finding and removing cleverly hidden objects, and then use her earnings to set up her new apartment with an array of furniture and decorations.
Follow an enterprising journalist who smells murderous intent behind what everyone assumes was a suicide. Featuring a unique scrolling perspective, Mind's Eye offers an unforgettable journey into the subconscious!
Become the assistant editor of City Style magazine in this popular hidden object game! As you make a name for yourself in the publishing industry, you'll also play addictive mini-games and solve challenging puzzles!
Find the shattered pieces of a holy totem so a shaman can use its power to expel an evil spirit and save his tribe! A cast of hilarious characters will help you on your way. Enjoy a magnificent adventure of a kind rarely seen in casual games!
Break the curse of an angry god and find hidden treasure of unimaginable worth in this thrilling new hidden object adventure! Your seek-and-find skills will be challenged as never before as you beat one thrilling episode after another!
Help a desperate woman learn the truth about her husband's disappearance as you explore 30 hand-drawn locations, interact with eccentric characters and find clues that will unlock the next captivating chapter in Letters From Nowhere.
When journalist Michele Deanfield begins to investigate the disappearance of a priceless sarcophagus, she hits a wall of lies and intrigue. Help her solve the mystery of the Island of Hope in this captivating hidden object adventure!
When Amelie settles in for a week aboard the finest cruise ship ever built, everyone else disappears, leaving her alone to figure out what happened. Use your hidden object and puzzle solving skills to crack the mystery before time runs out!
Help Prince Nathaniel and Princess Loreen work together to escape captivity and watch love blossom in this charming point-and-click adventure game. Features a large castle to explore, hilarious dialogue, and vibrant 3D graphics!
A bomb is aboard the Titanic II, and you're the only person who can find out where it's concealed! Search for hidden objects, learn little-known facts about the original Titanic and solve a century old mystery in this captivating adventure game!
Gather items, solve puzzles and make spine-chilling discoveries as you explore a deserted island! Twisted Lands: Shadow Town Collector's Edition features the regular game, an exclusive bonus chapter and groundbreaking video walkthroughs!
Embark on a thrilling adventure to help Albert restore the Key of Eiron and save his sister from the grip of an evil sorcerer. Solve brain-teasing puzzles, hunt for cleverly hidden items and try your hand in challenging board battles!
A lonely and forgotten structure leaning from a cliff. Beneath it, a dark and cold lake that was once a thriving town. Uncover the shocking secret of a sunken settlement in this beautifully drawn adventure game!