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Eu va citesc cu plaecre cred ca de prin 2002, ma refer la blogul de pe AG forum, apoi primul roman….si ulterior urmatoarele.Acest blog l-am descoperit recent. Nu am dat click pe carti pentru ca le am deja Toate cele bune!
Pai sigur ca o sa-l primim cu flori de Iris. Totul e sa aflam cand se inocarte si sa speram ca asta se va intampla cat mai curand.Cat despre rautatile de genul celei de mai sus, crede-ma ca parca ma lupt cu morile de vant. De cand s-a aflat de boala lui Cristi am citit mii de comentarii rautacioase. Dar nici unul dintre comentatori nu pare sa conceapa ca Minculescu este contribuabil ca si ei, de peste 30 de ani de cand Iris este singurul sau loc de munca. Operatia aceasta era dreptul lui, a fost mai ieftina ca in Romania, nu a fost vorba de favoruri sau mai stiu eu ce.Iris au cantat pe gratis de foarte multe ori, au sustinut sute de concerte caritabile, s-au implicat in multe campanii. E nedrept cand unii arunca asa cu noroi dar important este ca operatia decurs bine si ca Mincu si Rodica sunt bine:D Asta e cea mai frumoasa veste si toate meschinariile nici nu mai conteaza.
Doar ca americanii vor rvenei din problema asta in no time cum se zice, cei care ar avea mai mult ajutor si mai mult suport si din partea mediei is cei din Cuba. Si da, ca sunt plangaciosi e un motiv in plus sa fi suparat pe americani
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Snowy the Bear craves excitement more than a home on the ice! In Snowy: Treasure Hunter, the adorable white bear sets out to collect riches as he travels through three beautiful game worlds. Play it today!
Help Maria make her deliveries on time and build up enough steam to create a railroad giant. Unlock bonus campaigns and earn achievements as you place rails and operate way points to transport goods.
Grab your oven mitts and don your chef's hat! Cooking Academy places you in the kitchens of a prestigious culinary school! From egg rolls to pancakes, it's up to you to prepare over 50 different recipes. Are you ready to become a Master Chef?
Build and maintain various town districts; tend to the trees, fountains and parks that make your city beautiful; and monitor a broad range of stats as you grow your village into a world-famous Utopia!
Raise a variety of exotic fish and manufacture never-before-seen products in Farm Frenzy: Gone Fishing, an all-new Farm Frenzy title that's sure to please fans angling for excitement! Features 90 levels and an Endless Mode for unmatched replay value!
Guide Tom Alison as he travels into the heart of an uncharted island to uncover its secrets, and then help him survive the perils of a strange environment as he learns to fish, ward off wild animals, collect fruit and grow crops!
Build the city of your dreams! Construct houses and industrial parks, produce goods and deliver them to shopping malls, and setup a mass transit system to take people to the other places you build, including parks, movie theaters and stadiums!
Run restaurants around the world and win the heart of your true love in this wonderfully animated time management game! Bilbo: The Four Corners of the World will have you grinning from ear to ear!
Join Scarlet as she races to grow crops, raise animals and produce essential goods before time runs out. Featuring 90 all-new levels, amazing animation and hilarious visual gags, Farm Frenzy: Ancient Rome is the best Farm Frenzy yet!
The Sky Brothers are back with an all-new Sky Taxi adventure packed with retro gaming fun! Run, jump and double jump your way through dozens of side-scrolling levels, stomping on enemies and collecting goodies as you go!
Take over a restaurant and serve up delicious food as quickly as you can. Earn awesome awards and unlock cool upgrades that will help you work even more efficiently. Stay one step ahead of your clientele to keep up with the Burger Bustle!
Celebrate the holidays with Amelie! Decorate and upgrade three Christmas cafes, prepare a variety of yuletide favorites for your guests, and earn enough money to fill Santa's sleigh on 50 fast-paced levels!
Fiona has entered the Finest Flower Garden beauty contest and needs your help to win! You'll plant seeds and bulbs in visually stunning gardens, crossbreed blossoms to create new species and then sell what you produce!
Sara is back in a brand new island adventure! Guide her as she harvests pomegranates and pineapples, tends to llamas and peacocks, and travels to the ocean to do some fishing. Then help her spruce up her farm with the coins she earns!
Design, build and manage your own busy bay in Youda Marina. Featuring four different seascapes to build on, a huge variety of boats and facilities, and the soothing sounds of tropical winds, Youda Marina is the perfect mix of fun and sun!
A strange light leads you and your friends to an ancient astrological site that suddenly transports everyone to an unfamiliar world! Stranded, you must create a new civilization by gathering resources, building shelter and conducting research.
Battle aliens and save the human race from total destruction in Smash Frenzy 4, a mind-blowing 3D smash 'em up! The interactive objects and explosive visuals will amaze you right up to the end!